Subject: Re: creating a/ux partitions on prepartitioned drives
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/11/1995 09:58:18
> From: "The Great Mr. Kurtz <>" <>
> This probably is answered somewhere, but I dug through the FAQ's (all 
> that I could find) and couldn't find an answer.  How would one go about 
> adding an a/ux partition to a drive that is already formatted with 
> multiple MACOS partitions?  I've got 60 megs free for the partition, but 
> The Apple Disk Tools stuff can't handle multiple MacOS, and neither can 
> the utility mentioned in one of the FAQ's (AWT something).  Any suggestions?
> (No, reformatting the drive isn't a valid suggestion.)
> Thanks in advance,
> David A. Gatwood

  I use Apple Disk Tools to change/set-up may AU/X partioning all the time.
I am using a pathched version (I got it through someone on this list, but
it is available off the web.  Try a sumix site.  Or I can try mailing it to
you, or ftping to your site.) which I don't think makes any difference in the
way it handels partions, just which disks it will recognize.
  I have to admit that I don't recall how I got the four MacOS partions
origonally, but once they were there Apple HardDisk Set-up works fine and leaves
them alone.

  Is your 60 meg a contigous chunk at the end of the disk?  Have you looked
at (partion) ...  (Custom) ... ?   Are you tring to steal 60 megs out of your
existing two MacOS partions?

  As someone mention NetBSD will only look at the first 8 partions :( unless
this has been fixed :)  But I don't expect that to be a problem for you, as
you should have ~4 partions currently ( 2 MacOS, 1 Partion table partion, and
1 driver partion) that should leave you plenty of space to add 2 to 4 new
partions for NetBSD and still stay under the 8 limit.

Good luck, let me know if you want the patched set-up tool or other suggestions.
