Subject: Re: New scsi driver, old epson MO drive
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David C. Myers <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/09/1995 08:53:23
>So I said 'cd /usr/src' and 'tar -cf - * |(cd /mnt; tar -xf -)' and
>relaxed. And after copying about 10 MB the machine gave a rather
>unexpected reply like
>kernel panic: bad dir
For what it's worth, *exactly* the same thing happens to me on my Fujitsu
230 meg magneto-optical drive. I'm using the July 8 kernel on an 8 meg
SE/30. Has anybody tried this with the new SCSI driver Allen was talking
about a few weeks back?
David C. Myers
Sales Engineer