Subject: IIvx Crashing
To: BSD <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steven T. More <more@oswego.Oswego.EDU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/26/1995 17:09:04
I have got a IIvx running BSD with 8 megs of RAM.

When I am using xterms redirected to another display the computer likes 
to crash after about 2 hours, is anyone else having this problem?
What can I do to help debug it?

The date of the kernal I am using is around 8/09/95 ????? 

                 (o o)
|       Steve More          |It only takes a split          | 
|       | second to do something        |
|      315-341-4537         |  that you can regret          |
||   for the rest of your life ! |