Subject: Re: Clock slowdown
To: Walter Ruetten <>
From: David Leonard <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/24/1995 11:31:00
> At least on the MacIIvi (but I suppose on all machines that use the
> Egret chip) there is a  one second timer tick  which comes directly from
> the RTC (see macrom.c).
> I would think that it much more unlikely to loose the 1 second tick than
> loosing the 1/60 second ticks because interrupts wont be disabled for
> that long, I hope.
> Can anyone think of an idea to combine both ticks so that we still have
> a good resolution but don't loose ticks?

Well if thats the case having a semi-reliable 1 second interrupt coming along,
then the 60Hz tick counter could be bumped up to the next nearest multiple of
60 each time it occurs perhaps? Or some userland process could be written
to figure out what tickadj to set. /dev/clk1 perhaps?


David Leonard                            BE(Comp)/BCompSc 5th year student
The University of Queensland   
perl -e 'for $c(split(//,"BILLGATES\003")){$s+=ord($c)};print $s."\n"'