Subject: Re: Mosaic?
To: David Brownlee <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/20/1995 21:42:57
> On Wed, 20 Sep 1995, Scott Frederick Kaplan wrote:
> > Hi all.  I am making an effort to compiled Mosaic 2.6 for NetBSD/Mac
> > (and I'd be happy to share the binary with everyone, if I can make it
> > work!)  So, first, questions:

David Brownlee replied:
> 	I think you'll find you're going to need a copy of Motif to compile
> 	Mosaic...


> now we have a copy of motif (1.2) educational site licence
> 	here.. and I'm pretty sure we're permitted to distribute statically
> 	linked binaries using it...

That's what I hear.  In fact, I know of a group of people who are
distributing Mosaic binary compiled for NetBSD/X68030, an m68k8k port
to Sharp's X680x0 personal computer family (sold only in Japan,
AFAIK).  Maybe it's "Japanized" (meaning supports Japanese double-byte
characters), but that'll do no harm for use in an English environment
(remember X is internationalized by default?).  The binary *should*
work under NetBSD/mac68k (or any other m68k8k).  I've tried to reach
the site with no success, though.  Anyway, here's the URL:

Seems like their ftpd's been down.  I contacted the NetBSD/X68030 home
page maintainer on this matter and I hope the situation will be corrected
in the near future.

In the mean time, you can use a WWW browser on X called Chimera 1.65
which I compiled and put onto my anon-ftp area.  That is, of course,
if you don't mind using a non-Mosaic browser ;-)  URL is as follows:


ken n.
        Ken Nakata        | An unofficial MacBSD anon-ftp maintainer at
   a NetBSD UN*X-weenie   |  See also
    Rutgers University    |
New Brunswick, New Jersey | Home Page: