Subject: Re: P600--SLIP routing / .../ X / ...
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Brad Salai <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/08/1995 15:00:08
I get the same problem in X-window, but I cannot get the messages to print
to xconsole at all, they only go to the bottom of the screen. A work around
is to use fvwm which has a screen redraw button that fixes up the screen
whenever bad things happen. I'd love to get xconsole working, and wonder if
you did anything special to get stuff to print there??
>> On a separate note, when I'm running X-windows, and an error message is
purists will point out that there should be no "s" here :)
>> sent to the console, the error message gets written properly to the
>> xconsole, however it also gets written to the desktop which causes all of
>> the windows on the screen to scroll up and rather swiftly make the entire
>> display rather screwy looking--I restart twm to force everything to be
>> refreshed, but you can still see some parts of the desktop do not get
>> cleaned up--the problem is generated by timed complaining that there is
>> no network available (when I'm not dialed up). Yeah, I know, kill off
>> timed,, but I just wanted to let you all know that there is a problem
>> here. :v)
>Try running clear before running X. This doesn't solve the fact the
>characters souldn't get printed, but at least they won't mess up the
Stephen B. "Brad" Salai
Cumpston & Shaw Office (716) 325-5553
Two State Street Home (716) 377-4624
Rochester, NY 14614