Subject: Re: same problem on IIsi (it's not the 1-bit thing)
To: tinusz nijmeijers <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/05/1995 23:07:21
> thanks for all the replies, but I guess I didn't explain myself very well.
> It's not the 1-bit thing, I knew about that and even got myself a nice
> little extention which makes the monitor 1-bit when I start the booter
"a nice little extention"? Why don't you use "Monitor" control panel?
You don't have to get it from somewhere; it comes with MacOS. I'm not
accusing you of not using "Monitor" control panel, rather, I'm just
curious about your MacOS configuration. I'm wondering whether or not
your "nice little extention" really sets the color depth to 1. I know
"Monitor" control panel does. What else extentions do you have?
Although I always load about a dozen of extentions/drivers yet never
had a problem with them.
Also, it might be helpful to show people the line(s) with which kernel
tells you what kind of video device(s) it has detected during the
boot. Mine looks like this:
grf0 at nubus0: 640 x 480 monochrome QD-compatible (Micron XCEED SE/306-48) display
grf1 at nubus0: 512 x 342 monochrome QD-compatible (Macintosh SE/30 Internal Video) display
What's yours like?
> X has in fact 9 windows, all garbled beyond readability
> stty -e reveals : 87 rows and 192 columns, which is right, I counted.
I didn't know IIsi could drive 1152x870 even if it was B&W...
Ken Nakata <> | "" -
Rutgers - The State University of | yet another unofficial NetBSD/mac68k
New Jersey | anon-FTP area. For more NetBSD info,
New Brunswick, New Jersey | visit "http://www.NetBSD.ORG/".