Subject: Re: netbsd on powerbook ?
To: Pascal Brisset <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/05/1995 17:57:06
> I am trying to run netbsd on a Mac Powerbook 145B
> (68030, no fpu, 8 megs, 640x400x1bit).
> netbsd.950805 (new adb driver ?) is the most successful kernel for it,
> it just locks while initializing the adb. Besides, enabling the serial
> echo or serial console locks everything (1 gray bar).
> After some painful tinkering with netbsd.950805, I managed to disable
> the adb stuff, which allowed netbsd to boot and start running /etc/rc.
> That is quite encouraging but most commands (like fsck and ls) seem to
> fail with a segmentation fault.
Segmentation fault? hmmm, first I thought it was the lack of FPU, but
now I'm not sure.... Anyway, without FPU, you wouldn't be able to do
very interesting things even if you didn't have these seg faults.
Sorry, I'm the one working on the FPU emulator, and it is emerging
though very slowly... Please be patient for a little longer...
> Has anyone tried this before ? Is there a way to compile netbsd kernels
> from, say, a Linux box ? Any hints highly appreciated.
You'll have to at least build a gcc for 68k cross compilation, and
compile "config" and maybe BSD "make" binaries that run on linux.
Beyond that, it's a twilight zone to me.