Subject: [Report]ci ethernet
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Shuji.Toyoda. <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/30/1995 23:03:06
I tryed to use ethrnetcard, and I tryed to start all configure and
 deamon using start up multi user mode by single user mode.
Ifconfig is OK no ploblem, but lpd & inetd have something ploblem.
Are these old or test version? Thoug I got base.tar.gz from puma july 14 '95.
Tell me way of using ethernet card anyone  who succeeded in using 
 it in multi user mode.
And show  me your /etc/* file  setting, if you don't mind.
#Probablly I would mistake anything in /etc/* files. 

Shuji Toyoda