Subject: Re: AViiON 88k port.
To: Chris Tribo <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-m88k
Date: 05/08/2001 17:45:02
On Tue, May 08, 2001 at 05:37:24PM -0400, Chris Tribo wrote:
> 	Acording to the SysAdmin, when "compiling" a DG/UX kernel, all the
> kernel modules come as objects, and just need to be linked I guess.

That's pretty normal for binary/commercial versions of Unix.  It's a
time-saving as well as an information-hiding practice...

> 	Or some matter of two-stage boot loader...

Yah.  This is probably what will happen since the DG [P]ROM won't
understand the FFS, most likely (and we could make it understand,
say, LFS, cd9660, etc.).

> 	I can ask about, we have a few hard cover DG manuals around, but I
> believe most of the material that is pertinent to the systems we have is
> in PDF. I'll look and see what I can dig up at some point.

Any h/w docs would be useful!  :-)


 Allen Briggs               Quality NetBSD CDs, Sales, Support, Service
NetBSD dev. for _your_ Alpha, ARM, M68K, MIPS, PowerPC, SH3, Sparc, x86, etc...