Subject: Re: NetBSD Mac68k Guide.
To: NetBSD PortMac68k Mailing List <>
From: Matthew Theobalds <>
List: port-m68k
Date: 01/05/2001 18:40:25
Not so long ago Pat Wendorf said:
> Hey Matthew,
> It's nice to see more documentation on the setup of NetBSD on the Mac,
> but I'm left with a few questions:
> 1) If they are using NetBSD, why use IPnetRouter? Doesn't NetBSD
> provide a much more secure, functional and stable firewalling/nat
> system? I'm new to mac68k, so I may be missing something here, but to me
> that sounds like installing WinGate to protect your Router :)
This is a fair comment, however, there was a reason for this: my Modem has
10 pins, the 10th being for drawing power from the Serial Port. However, the
Serial Port on my IIcx (NetBSD machine) being of an older variety has only 9
pins. As such, until I can get some proper bandwidth which I will put
straight into the NetBSD box (as I see little pointin in buying another
modem), I am forced to use the 7100 as the router. I felt it inappropriate
to comment and tutor on something I hadn't done myself and so I wrote down
everything I had to do and the way I did it. When I do get proper 'width
here, I'm sure I'll document setting that up, too.
> 2) You get the user to edit some files with vi , but then proceed to get
> them to install Nano. Would it not be better to just learn vi? (trying
> to ween myself off "ee" (FreeBSD Editor) right now while I'm at work. vi
> is really quite featureful)
Without getting into the age-old vi debate, I must confess to learning Unix
with pico and being more familiar with that myself, so nano was one of my
earlier installations. Each to their own, of course ; P
> 3) It might be a good idea to mention that the host files on all the
> network machines should be the same as the one you create for the NetBSD
> machine. It's just basic networking info that would be useful I think.
Good point, I'll make this amendment tonight.
> 4) It seems to lack any sort of closure. I mean, it's great that we
> have it installed, but maybe you should give some pointers on installing
> packages to do something useful with the machine. It may be kinda
> redundant, but you could also point them to every other piece of Mac68k
> NetBSD documentation out there, and even the NetBSD home page.
That was what I tried to do with the screen / nano installations, I figured
that most people would probably just want to get Apache up and running and
everybody knows that URL. But you're right, I'll add some links later on,
> Please don't take my critisims too harshly, I think with a little more
> work, this could be a great resource. I know a few of the NetBSD Mac68k
> info pages are getting fairly old, so this development is nice to see (I
> think one guy stopped writing because he upgraded to a i386 machine...
> traitor ;)
No, I appreciate them greatly. I've taken on-board what you've said, and
hopefully you can see where I was coming from, too: I would prefer to
document solely what I've done, that way I know it's correct, I know how I
did it, and I'd be able to answer any questions on it. I will treat this as
an on-going project and as I get more hardware I will write that in - or as
a separate document.
Thanks very much.