Subject: Re: Code w/ 680x0 (x<=4) instructions not implemented in 68060
To: None <port-m68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Arto Huusko <>
List: port-m68k
Date: 06/23/1998 21:49:02
On 23-Kes-98, Ignatios wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 23, 1998 at 09:03:07AM +0200, Ingolf Koch wrote:
>> Hi, out there.
>> There is still some code (at least in various packages) which
>> contains m68k assembler code with instructions not implemented
>> in the 68060 processor. An example is the ssh package: It uses
>> the GNU multiprecision library, which leads to a huge amount
>> of instruction emulation.
>> A quick workaround in this case would be to use the generic stuff
>> (C code) instead of the assembler "equivalent", but I'd prefer
>> an assembler variant for 68060.
>> Does anyone have a file containing the critical 68k instructions
>> (i.e. those not implemented in 060s) together with a suitable
>> replacement for these instructions?
> Look at sys/arch/m68k/060sp/: it contains the emulation library.
> But in short: nothing the 68040 doesn't support, no integer mul or div
> 64bit result/input, no movep, no unaligned CAS, no CAS2, uhm... I think
> some strange FP data types less than the 68040.

And to be exactly clear: the books say that 68060 is completely compatible
is because Motorola provides a ready Software Package which can be used to
patch an operating system so that unimplemented instructions do not work.

I  guess  the  system is implemented via unknown instruction execption
vector  or  something like that...  anyway the emulation ends up being
way to slow than going around emulated instructions.

Arto Huusko
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