Subject: NetBSD native mkcramfs port available
To: None <>
From: Alicia da Conceicao <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/19/2006 18:31:58

We have been creating a lot of CRAMFS images for embedded systems running uClinux,
and since we mostly use NetBSD and MacOSX desktops for development, we made a few
minor changes to the mkcramfs source tree in order to get it to compile natively
for NetBSD, MacOSX (Universal), Cygwin, etc.

The original Linux mkcramfs does run fine under NetBSD's Linux emulation, and I
don't know if anyone else would be interested in creating compressed Linux file-
systems under NetBSD.  But if anyone is interested, I would be happy to send them
copies of the modified source and/or native binaries on request.  Maybe it can be
added to PKG-SRC?
