Subject: Re: Resolving bootfloopy-big size limit
To: None <>
From: Alan Barrett <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/11/2006 21:41:31
On Sat, 11 Nov 2006, Julio M. Merino Vidal wrote:
> [ Please CC me any replies. ]

> 2) Remove the size constraints in bootfloppy-big.  This prevents using
>   the image with El-Torito but still allows its use in other situations
>   (as mentioned in the previous point).  Then, this image could be
>   usable for the "new" ISO images.  Seems to be the cleanest
>   approach.

Yes please.  Also increase the FLOPPYMAX=n limits, as and when
necessary, in the bootfloppy sets that are intended to be used with
actual floppies.

> The only problem with these is that they cannot be extended to include
> also the installation sets... can they?

Why not?  We have an infrastructure for building release floppies that
include the installation sets and a bootable kernel with embedded
ramdisk.  Why would we lose that if we increase the kernel+ramdisk size
and change from El Torito floppy emulation to a hard disk emulation or
no emulation?

--apb (Alan Barrett)