Subject: Re: PCI sound card recommendations?
To: TAMURA Kent <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/11/2004 09:45:11
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On Wed, Nov 10, 2004 at 05:38:18PM -0500, Sean Davis wrote:
> And I don't like PCI sound cards any more than you do... there were
> some things that ISA slots really did well at, IMHO: sound cards and modems
> (for those of us who don't require $40000 SB Audigy 2 platinum uranium pro
> performance plus blah blah sound cards ;-)

ISA sound cards are no better, and usually worse (just because of
older components and less quality-driven market at the time).  The
problem is the thing is inside the PC case, and the "long cable"
carries analogue audio data alongside things like the video cable.

Kent is referring to a preference for usb audio devices, which I share.

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