Subject: Re: More 1.6.1 strangeness
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/19/2003 03:00:53
I wrote of troubles with 1.6.1 and the keyboard locking up.

I've looked into this more, and

(a) It appears that it's some kind of race condition.  I have a vague
    impression that it is related to how fast I get my finger off the
    return key when answering the in-kernel prompts; if I'm
    deliberately slow it increases the chance it'll lock up.

(b) It's intermittent at best; even trying to make it lock up, I
    managed no more than about six of eight tries.

(c) I changed KBD_DELAY from DELAY(8) to DELAY(16) (in pckbc.c) and was
    completely unable to make the resulting kernel lock up.

Maybe some keyboard controllers are slower than others....

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