Subject: Re: eap1371_ready_codec timeout problem v1.6
To: Rafal Boni <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/04/2003 07:10:12
In message <>, R
afal Boni writes:
>In message <>, you write: 
>[...timeouts in eap PCI probe...]
>-> Interesting. So sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't? I fail to
>-> see how this would affect X11, though.
>My Thinkpad T20 occasionally has similar problems (with the clcs device), 
>which cause any access to the audio device to hang with a slew of timeout
>messages; starting up GNOME or KDE in that state would always end up with
>a wedged machine, at least in any configuration that enabled system/startup
>sounds, as the box would wedge logging logging millions of timeout messages
>to the disk (and probably never retured from the open(2) of the device). 
>Not quite a pure X issue, but close 8-)

That's a known issue with that driver.  I believe there's no workaround 
except to omit the driver from the kernel -- that's what I've had to do 
on my T21.

		--Steve Bellovin, (me) (2nd edition of "Firewalls" book)