Subject: boot problem (0410 snap)
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/25/2002 12:40:47
I've got an i386 machine that has 1.5.2 installed on it, on wd0a.  I
wanted to install -current, so I set up wd0f, with a corresponding
fdisk partition, and unpacked the 04-10 tarballs.  Everything basically
works, but there's a problem with booting.

I used fdisk -B to install the bootselector.  fdisk partition 0 matches
wd0a (the 1.5.2 install); fdisk partition 1 matches wd0f (the -current
install).  But when I tell the bootselector to boot partition 1, it
loads the kernel from - and gets root from - wd0a, not wd0f!

I suspect it's actually loading the wrong bootblocks when I pick
partition 1.  Running strings on the /boot on wd0a and the /boot on
wd0f reveals that the "compiled by" strings are different (fvdl@sushi
and, but when I try to boot, I see fvdl@sushi,
even when I press F2 for partition 1.  (If I interrupt the timeout and
specify wd0f:netbsd by hand, it does load the kernel from, and put root
on, wd0f.

Have I just done something stupid, or is it broken?

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