Subject: Re: xi0: device timeout (seems fixed now)
To: None <>
From: Ross <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/14/2002 12:41:52
>> Thank you greatly... it *seems* to work for
>> now but, i had to set it to 10baseT for some reason rather than 100baseT for

>Probably because 100baseT isn't a valid media setting (100BaseTX

I tried 100baseTX and i get "no carrier".  Must be something odd.  It's not
a cable issue.  10baseT is the only setting that seems to work for it.  I still
get one single "device timeout" on first config on bootup, but since the nic
works otherwise i won't worry about it nor only working in 10baseT for now.  

Another issue i have is that it will only configure on bootup.  Once booted, 
nothing is changeable at the command line with ifconfig without loosing the
nic response completely.  In otherwords, no switching cards around if you want
to keep your network connection.

Wonder if poking around with the xi driver is a good place to try figuring out
kernel internals......
