Subject: Re: xi0: device timeout (seems fixed now)
To: None <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/13/2002 23:46:51
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On Sat, Apr 13, 2002 at 10:10:45PM -0400, Ross wrote:
> Sorry about the line length thing.

No big deal. I've gotten quite used to the !}fmt :[foo]s,^,> ,
dance, but it's one of my knee-jerk netiquette buttons. :^>

> Thank you greatly... it *seems* to work for
> now but, i had to set it to 10baseT for some reason rather than 100baseT =

Probably because 100baseT isn't a valid media setting (100BaseTX

> it to actually config.  For further information the XE2000 requires the
> "unknown phy" config file option as well to work properly.  I'll put some
> load on it overnight and see how well it holds up.  Thanks a great deal, =
> been working on this without success for about 2 days until now.

Yeah, many ethenet cards require unknown phys. They might work
faster if support for their specific phy was written, they might
not. (Some rtks seem to work without any phys config'ed in the
kernel at all, though I wouldn't trust them with a lot of
throughput. But then, I wouldn't trust a rtk with a lot of
throughput under any circumstances, so...)

> Wish I had asked earlier, lol,

Well, doing your own homework first is a good principle to follow,
but it's hard to do when the references aren't there to consult.
(I've been meaning to say something to send-pr about the xi thing
for a while, but I feel guilty doing without including a patch,

gabriel rosenkoetter

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