Subject: Re: Yet another i386 snapshot available
To: Matthias Scheler <>
From: Bruno Saverio Delbono <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/11/2002 23:49:19
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Making, drinking tea and reading an opus magnum from Matthias Scheler:

> I've created a third NetBSD-current snapshot based on sources from
> the 10th of April. It includes kernel sources and XFree86 *4.2.0*
> binaries.  You can find it under this URL:


Thanks Matthias! Well, other than the problems reported with the older
snapshot(which were only three: installboot, extra entry in ttys for
console and somehow wsmouse-> PS/2 internal mouse not working my
laptop but then working after a kernel compile), I found no major
problems. I am running it on Dell 5ke and its "great".

Now to figure out, how to get mplayer -current working with NetBSD

A quick question: On 1.5.3 release, would the default i386 be shipped
with XFree 3.x or 4.x?=20

PS - That was a very nice and helpful message. Sorry about poking(and
     picking on) you before :P....:->



I don't believe in astrology.  But then I'm an Aquarius, and
Aquarians don't believe in astrology.  -- James R. F. Quirk

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