Subject: Some questions about disklabeling.
To: None <>
From: Ib-Michael Martinsen <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/28/2002 17:54:50
Dear list-members.

I have a few questions about disklabels which I have not found any
answers to. Perhaps some of you can shed some light on this:

I have a second 30 GB DOS disk connected to my NetBSD system, which I
would like to be able to read from NetBSD. To be able to do this I
know I must disklabel it. But I am a little unsure of what happens
with the content of the disk. Is it damaged (i.e. will the disk be
unreadable from DOS/Windows)?

I am not booting from the disk, but if I were would it then be
impossible to boot after disklabeling the disk?

Where execatly is the disklabel written on the disk? In the
Master Boot Record or some place else?

And what is the difference between the disklabel and mbrlabel
commands?. In which situations would you prefer the one for
the other?

kind regards
   Ib-Michael Martinsen
email at home:
email at work:
Running NetBSD/i386 v1.5.2