Subject: Re: Key bindings
To: None <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/25/2002 17:15:54
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On Sun, Dec 16, 2001 at 09:59:26PM -0600, Peter Seebach wrote:
> 2.  Is there any way to make keys do more interesting things than send a
> single keystroke-type event to the console?  I guess I can always write a=
n X
> hack of some sort, and make the keys do stuff in X only, but it'd be great
> if I could bypass that.  ;-)

In theory you should be able to do most of the same things you can
do using, say, xmodmap using wsconsctl -w map+=3D<foo> where <foo> is
keysyms and the like. (See wsconsctl(8).) When you find something
you like, putting it in /etc/wscons.conf ought to work.

(I haven't played with this much beyond using the us.swapctrlcaps
encoding everywhere to get away from the caps-on-the-home-row
stupidity that's the only way PC and Mac keyboards come these days...)

wscons settings probably won't get inherited by X. You'll want to
look at XkbOptions in the Keyboard section to do universal (as in,
for any user) X changes. (Note that both that's for XF863, though I
don't think it's changed in 4, and, again, I only use this to swap
control and caps.)

gabriel rosenkoetter

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