Subject: Re: Off the wall HDC question
To: Thomas Michael Wanka <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/15/2001 10:16:49
"Thomas Michael Wanka" <>  wrote:
 > AFAIK the only WD7000 ESDI controller was made for Apollo 
 > workstations. So eventually Apollo/HP could have such information. 
 > You could also try to disassemble the Bios;). 

Not entirely true. There were various flavours of the WD7000. A 
-asc and a -ase.  There was also a -fasst2 which was a -ASC with
modified firmware for scatter-gather support.  Only the -ase was
the one made for Apollo.  For some reason, I have a memory of 
one of these being used in the RT but I'm not confident on that.
The -asc was scsi-only.

For the life of me, I can't remember what machines the -asc came
in.  I think maybe the Apollo DN10k.  (because the ESDI was a
proprietary controller on this model).

But the -fasst2 was an off-the-shelf PC scsi board.

I'm quite certain that versions of the -ase card with ESDI on them
had no bootroms to implement a PC winchester disk interface so a
PC couldn't boot off a WD7000.

Wow. this really is deep in my repressed memories.