Subject: RE: NetBSD Web Site
To: None <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/07/2001 00:36:50
[[ shouldn't this be on netbsd-users, at least, if not netbsd-advocacy? ]]

[ On Saturday, July 7, 2001 at 03:12:55 (+0000), wrote: ]
> Subject: RE: NetBSD Web Site
> Ah, but that's the point! Many out there come
> looking for clues. They come to a web site,
> any web site, mainly hoping to harvest such
> clues.

And to that end I'd suggest pushing the "news" stuff almost entirely off
the front page.  It's all well and good to preach to the converted, but
I'm sure they could hit a 'news' link if they want to see what's new.

I think the space (and I'm talking about what the average user will see
without scrolling down on anything better than 640x480) would be better
used to promot whatever the advocacy folks think is best.  Indeed
sometimes what's new is worth promoting, but in those cases I think a
proper description and link is well deserved, not a soon-to-disappear
news item.

Maybe there could also be a prominent link in the main area that leads
to a short "look what's cool about NetBSD this week!" page -- something
that might feature *one* of the items off the "NetBSD in Action"
list (perhaps in an automatically rotating sequence)....

Oh, and could someone please trim some of that "news" off into an
archive file or 10?  It's WAY too big!  ;-)

[[ mind you I do have a bias against these "news" and "what's new"
things on the web -- I want to find real content, actual information,
when I surf the web, not press releases!  :-) ]]

							Greg A. Woods

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