Subject: Re: GPS
To: Krister <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/09/2001 10:27:40
In message <>, Krister writes=
>I=B4m planning to use a PC with netBSD measuring IS-IS updates in a WAN =
and =

>I=B4m going to use a GPS-system to synchronize the different measurement=

>probes, I=B4m planning to place them in various places in the WAN so tha=
t I =

>can get the convergence-time from the measurements.
>I wonder witch support there is in the OS for getting time from a GPS? a=
nd =

>how does it work?

While there may be other solutions, probably the easiest using standard =

stuff is to run NTP.  NTP supports lots of different reference clocks, =

including a number of GPS receivers.  On my 1.5.1 BETA1 system, there's =

a list in file:/usr/share/doc/html/ntp/refclock.htm.  Note in =

particular Type 20 -- there are a *lot* of NMEA GPS receivers out there.

		--Steve Bellovin,