Subject: Re: helping Linux users switch to NetBSD
To: Dave Daniels <a__fake__address@>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/27/2000 17:22:28
In message <49e4ca53bfa__fake__address@>, Dave Daniels writes:

>There was another problem I ran into that I have put down to
>the large disk size.
>Originally I had the NetBSD partition beyond the eight gigabyte 
>mark on the disk and the NetBSD boot loader (the one that lets you
>choose which OS to boot) would not boot the NetBSD partition. I
>had to use the install floppy and boot wd0a:netbsd by hand. Some
>time spent reading messages on Deja suggested that it was the
>placement of the partition that was causing the problem, so I
>moved the NetBSD partition below the eight gigabyte mark and
>everything was fine after that.
>I think that the moral of the story is that if you try to install
>NetBSD on a large disk you will see some truly hideous things that
>should not be exposed to the light of day.

That may depend on your BIOS -- it may not be able to handle disks 
larger than that.  I had to upgrade the BIOS on one of my NetBSD 
machines in order to make it believe in a 10G disk.

		--Steve Bellovin