Subject: Re: Problem upgrading Sony VAIO PCG-F360 Laptop
To: Lets Go Canes! <>
From: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/16/2000 15:27:35
| Starting syslogd.
| Checking for core dump...
| panic: getblk: block size invariant failed
| Stopped in savecore at  cpu_Debugger+0x4:        leave
| db> 
| The system will boot into single-user mode.

Filesystem corruption of some sort? Try running fsck -f on all
your partitions from single user mode?

It would be quite good to provide the stack trace from
the panic, though. "t" at the ddb prompt. If onerous, you
can skip the offsets and only provide the names.


p.s. There's a certain irony associated with paniccing while
trying to run savecore.