Subject: Re: NetBSD/386 newbye + PS2 mouse problems
To: None <>
From: Matthias Drochner <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/18/2000 16:06:12
[spanish keyboard]

> It seems that one could use
> wsconscfg or wsconsctl to remap the keyboard, but the man pages
> are not very explicit about how it should be done.

There is an example in wsconscfg(8) - at least one which
tells how to map a keysym to another.
It might be easier to map keysyms to keycodes. (Keycodes
are more or less the physical location of a key, while
keysyms define the characters mapped to it.)

So if a spanish keyboard had eg the character "T" where
other keyboards have a "C", you would have to type:
/sbin/wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 46 = t T"
You get a list of the keycodes and the keysyms assigned
with "wsconsctl map".

If you come up with a list of the keycode-keysym pairs
which make up the difference between a US and a spanish
keyboard, I'll integrate it into the source tree.

best regards