Subject: Re: Netpliance Iopener booted with NetBSD...
To: Chris G. Demetriou <>
From: Martin Husemann <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/24/2000 02:33:06
> (1) if it's truly an easier gain, the UVM + UBC are broken.  I've been
> pushing chuq for a while for XIP support, it's on his list to do
> eventually.

Uhm, what is XIP?
> 	(2) a better, more general mechanism for doing it might be an
> 	    auto-uncompressing file system layer.

Maybe even (un-)compressing file system layer? In the case of read-only
mounts/ROMed fs images this would degrade into your suggestion.

Didn't we have a discussion about this some time ago (slow disks vs. fast
alpha CPUs)?
