Subject: Re: My NetBSD desappear from my i386 machine
To: None <>
From: John Darrow <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/21/1999 13:03:47
In article <>,
Richard PLOIX <> wrote:
>The second problem is :
>>> how to mount the D:, E:, F:, G:, (logical disque in msdos language), and
>>> eventualy how to view the extend msdos partition?
>hello, this documentation is good for my first MSDOS partition on sd0.
>fdisk sd0:
>   NetBSD geometry cyl 3511 head 11 s/tr 108 (1188 s/c)
>partition table
>   0 sysid 6 (Primary 'big' DOS, 16-bit FAT (>32MB))
>      start 63 size 4176837 (2039MB) flag 0x80
>   1<UNUSED>
>   2<UNUSED>
>   3<UNUSED>
>disklabel sd0
>   8 partition
>	size		offset	fstype
>   d:	4194058	0	unused
>   e:	41766837	63	MSDOS
>If I mount -t msdos /dev/sd0e /mnt/msdos
>At this point that's OK!!!
>Now for the second disk (sd1) with my Extended partition, and my
>logical disks (D: E: F: G:) on it.
>fdisk sd1
>   NetBSD geometry cyl 7637 head 8 sect/track 274 (2192 s/tr)
>partiton table
>   0 sysid 15 (Ext. partition LBA)
>      start 16065 size 16755795 (8181MB) flag 0x0
>   1 sysid 169 (NetBSD)
>      start 14991088 size 1749216 (854MB) flag 0x0
>   2<UNUSED>
>   3<UNUSED>
>disklabel sd1
>   8 partition
>	size		offset		fstype
>   a:	306880		14991088	4.2BSD
>   b:	528272		15297968	swap
>   c:	1786127	14991088	unused
>   d:	16777215	0		"
>   e:	950975		15826240	4.2BSD
>for the f: partition I have try
>   f: 14991088-16065 16065  MSDOS
>  mount -t msdos /dev/sd1f /msdos ==> invalid argument
>   f: 14991088-274   274    MSDOS
>  mount -t msdos /dev/sd1f /msdos ==> invalid argument
>   f: 16755795	 16065	 MSDOS
>  mount -t msdos /dev/sd1f /msdos ==> invalid argument

>At this other point, that's no good !!!
>what can I do know for seeing the logical discs?

>Is Partition Magic responsive?

No.  The problem is that the mbrlabel program, which generates a faked-up
disklabel for DOS partitions, assumes a DOS-only disk.  It doesn't know
how to work with a mixed disk, and simply overwrites all the existing
disklabel entries.

The good news is, you can use Partition Magic to get info on the starting
sector number and length of the extended partitions (e.g. from the text-
mode program PQMAGICT, choose a partition, the (O)ptions, (I)nfo,
(P)artition Information).  These entries can be plugged directly into
the disklabel (using disklabel -e), with type MSDOS.  Then mount should
be able to pick them up.

The bad news is that you have four logical disks in your extended partition,
and only three free disklabel slots (f,g,h), so you won't be able to put
all your drives in at once.

You also have a problem in that the fdisk entry for your extended partition
overlaps the entry for your NetBSD partition.  This may have contributed
to the scrambling of your sd1a boot process.  If you're lucky, only the
extended partition overlaps the NetBSD partition, and can be fixed by
simply reentering the length.  If some of the logical drives overlap the
NetBSD part, though, you have a more serious problem.

(Partition Magic should have warned you about the overlapping partitions -
what version are you running?)

Good luck.


John Darrow - Senior Technical Specialist               Office: 630/752-5201
Computing Services, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL 60187  Fax:    630/752-5968
Alphapage:            Pager:  630/316-0707