Subject: Re: Building a gateway
To: Eric Delcamp <>
From: Marc Baudoin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/16/1999 22:21:42
Eric Delcamp <> écrit :
> I have missed something, but don't know what. I want to do a gateway between
> my ISP with a cable modem and dynamic IP (on ep1) and my local network
> (192.168.0.xx on ep0). I have a kernel with gateway and ipfilter enable, I
> run some scripts G.Woods give to me (to setup ipf.conf and ipnat.conf with
> dynamic addressing. Work OK.), ipf and ipnat launch without error. I setup a
> cache only DNS with named.
> >From my local network, I have name resolution, but ping fail. I couldn't
> reach the "other side" of my gateway.

Works for me with a cable modem and this ipnat.conf:

map ne0 -> 0/32 proxy port ftp ftp/tcp
map ne0 -> 0/32 portmap tcp/udp 10000:65000
map ne0 -> 0/32

What does yours look like?

Marc Baudoin   -=-   <>