Subject: Re: SCSI-disk == no NetBSD????
To: Rik van Mierlo <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/24/1998 21:32:24
On Oct 24, Rik van Mierlo wrote
> after I disconnected the SCSI disk in my computer, I was able to install
> NetBSD. But now I can't boot NetBSD with the disk connected, the booting
> process stops when NetBSD starts looking for disklabels. What do I have to
> do to get the system to boot?

Check your SCSI cables and terminations. NetBSD seems more exigent about this.
Alsao check that the irq the kernel claim using for the SCSI adapter is
really the one configured on teh baord.

> Less important, but is there a way to read NTFS partitions?

No. I don't think Microsoft released the necessary infos about the internal
structure of NTFS.

Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI. 