Subject: Re: Multi-port serial driver?
To: Ken Hornstein <>
From: Chris G. Demetriou <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/06/1998 16:46:36
> >> pci based one in the tree... I'm just unpacking the last -current
> >> tar_files I have (Jun27) to see what might be there...
> >
> >Is the puc driver from -current a good starting point?
> Actually .... yes, because judging from the comments from pucdata.c
> it already knows how to handle the PLX 9050 chip.

Yup.  All the cards I tried (after I peeled the Windows Plug & Pray
sticker off the big chip) had PLX 9050s or 9052(?)s as the PCI interface.

> I bet you could
> just write a description for pucdata.c and it should "just work"
> (finding out what you need to put there might be interesting,
> though).


I suggest:

(1) changing the #if 0's to #if 1's in dev/pci/pci.c

(2) expanding your kernel message buffer size (options MSGBUFSIZE=...)

(3) booting with the card in the box, and sending me the output to
grovel over.

(I think I mentioned those in my post to current-users about the
driver.  8-)

It should be fairly obvious what needs to be done, but it sounds like
this card will be slightly different than the others that i've seen:
on the cards that I've seen, each BAR/region on the PLX mapped to
exactly one chip ('com' or 'lpt').  The 'puc' driver may have to
change slightly to accomodate this new board, but that shouldn't be
