Subject: Re: kern/5654: boot hangs due to scsi timeout
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Simon J. Gerraty <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/26/1998 00:14:11
I'm having a bad week... first read errors from my DDS tape drive and
now this...

As kern/5654 describes, my shiny new 4G Barracuda (ST34573N) won't
talk to me.  Actually it probes ok - its sd3 on the 2nd scsi bus, but
just before the boot would normally announce that the boot device is
sd0 we get:

biomask 1840 netmask 1c40 ttymask 1c42
sd3(aha2:3:0) timed out
sd3(aha2:3:0) timed out AGAIN

and game over - time for a reset.  
Leaving the drive powered off is the only way to get the system up.

The PR contains all the nauseating details (I hope).
I PR'd this because problems with a non-boot disk should not prevent
the system at least getting to single user. 

In the mean time I'm hoping someone can suggest what/why might be
going wrong.  The disk claims to be able to do SCSI-1 so the fact that
its on an old ah1542B should be ok I assume.

If I could physically manage to get the disk inside the machine and on
the primary scsi bus (ahc0: aic7880 Wide Channel) I would - but I'm
out of power connectors and am concerned about cooling...  I doubt
this case has enough air flow in it.  Besides, ahc0 already has 3
disks on it and aha2 only has a tape drive.
