Subject: Re: Problems printing to a HP LaserJet
To: Peter Bentley <>
From: Don Lewis <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/18/1998 03:03:26
On Jun 18,  9:44am, Peter Bentley wrote:
} Subject: Re: Problems printing to a HP LaserJet
} Knut A. Syed wrote:
} > (Knut A. Syed) writes:
} > 
} > > I will try Don Lewis' solution today, and I hope it helps.
} > 
} > Well, it didn't.  If I do a 'echo test | lpr' i get something like
} > this printed:
} > 
} >  +-------------------------------------------------------+
} >  |                                                       |
} >  | k                                                     |
} >  |  k                t                                   |
} >  |                    k                t                 |
} >  |                                      k  k   n nnn     |
} > 
} > and several blank pages.
} > 
} > It looks like a combination of the stairway to heaven and something
} > else, but I can't figure out what it is.
} Looks to me like a banner page (think "banner knut") but with no
} carriage returns, just linefeeds.  Use "lpr -h" to get rid of the banner
} page, and investigate the printcap man page for flags to ensure that you
} get LF->CRLF mapping of the output stream to the printer.

I don't recommend doing this since it will corrupt binary data if
you are printing PCL graphics.

I did find one typo in the printcap stuff in my last message.
}       ff=\EE\E&12a0o7.27C\E(s0p12h3T\E&k2G:fo:tr=\EE
This should be
                 ^ the letter l, not the digit 1
I think the \E&k2G string is the correct incantation to tell the printer
to interpret a LF character as a CR+LF.  The 'fo' flag is important.
Without it, the the first file printed by "lpr file1 file2 file3" will
be corrupted, but the others will be correct.