Subject: More Megahertz PCMCIA problems
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/11/1998 23:10:21
[ Trying to get a Megahertz PCMCIA 14.4 modem to
  work on a Toshiba 2110CS 486-based laptop ]

Perry thought that the IO ranges might be conflicting with something on
the system.  I don't think so now.  I've forced the card to put "com2"
at all of the possible I/O locations (except those conflicting with the
internal com0 location): 0x2f8 (the one that comes up by default),
0x3e8, and 0x2e8.  In all cases, I get the same behavior--the card
appears to be enabled and then disabled.  The following is the (as far
as I can tell) relevant part of the debugging info.

com2 at pcmcia0 function 0pcmcia0: card irq 5
pcmcia0: ++enabled_count = 1
pcmcia0: function 0 CCR at 0 offset 200: 7f ff 7f ff, ff 7f ff 7f, ff
 port 0x2f8-0x2ff: ns16550a, working fifo
pcmcia0: --enabled_count = 0
pcmcia0: function 0 CCR at 0 offset 200: ff ff ff ff, ff ff ff ff, ff
stray interrupt 5

Does anyone know where I can find docs on the CCR or PCMCIA?  Is it
possible that the CCR information on the card is wrong?


                    Allen Briggs -