Subject: Re: NeoMagic/Dell Latitude
To: Terry Moore <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/19/1998 20:52:02 (Terry Moore) writes:

> Hi,
>  ... 
> We really liked the Xaccel thing, but they still haven't released a patch,
> and we're moving to 1.3.1, so we have given up on it for now.  It worked
> OK on 1.3, but the PCMCIA support on 1.3.1 was mandatory, too.  Xaccel
> is not very expensive; it was worth a try.  (We were happy enough with
> their support -- at their price level, it's hard to make money doing
> specials....)
> --Terry Moore

I don't (personally) see any reason to move on to 1.3.1 to get
improved pcmcia support.  At least, last I looked, the 1.3.1 pcmcia
worked no better than the 1.3 version.  What I did was grabbed a 
newish (at the time [-current 0223]) pcmcia directory, and splat it
into the 1.3 source (you also have to add the 0223 .../dev/ic/com*).
This has worked pretty well.