Subject: Re: What's 1.3.1 good for ...
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/21/1998 23:51:54
> > I'm troubled.  I need to convert a dozen or so machines in
> > the next week to 1.3.  Do I want to convert to 1.3 or 1.3.1
> 1.3.1 is substantially better.

That is certainly possible.

I'm sorry if I've startled others with my initially reported
experience with 1.3.1 after less than a day, but I found it a
little troubling myself as I've been running 1.3_ALPHA of Dec 3
1997 vintage for a couple of months now with no problems.  For
what it's worth, I've now gone back to running 1.3.1, and my
machine has been up more than two days now (with approximately
the same usage as it had the first day when it decided to crash
on me).  It *may* have been a random hardware glitch, so without
it re-occurring I wouldn't worry all that much.

> > Are there enough userland changes for me to want to use 1.3.1
> > vs 1.3?
> There are substantial bug fixes. All 1.3.1 consists of is bug
> fixes over 1.3.

My motive for going to 1.3.1 was the kernel fixes, but I see no
reason not to install the userland fixes once you go to 1.3.1.
For me, 1.3.1 seemed to contain enough important fixes that I
decided I should try to upgrade.  Go look in

to see a summary of the fixes between 1.3 and 1.3.1.

- H=E5vard