Subject: Re: Slow X with Applix - how to profile?
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/08/1998 11:18:09
On Sat, Feb 07, 1998 at 05:00:58PM -0800, Jonathan Stone wrote:
> Uh, I would first use systat vmstat or top to figure out if the time
> is going in userspace or kernel space.  The hypothesis is that the
> XFree InteralMalloc is known to work okay on Linux, so it can't be
> solely InternalMalloc that's at fault.

According to systat and top, about 44-47% of time is system time, and
about 50% user time.  It's the same whenever Applix (spreadsheet or
words) is drawing text/numbers/whatever in the window.

And like someone said, Applix is the only program (that I know of, at
least) which has this problem - and it is because Applix causes lots
of memory allocations in the X server.

> This saga has gone on for what, a year now?

Yep.  Last time I whined about this, I was too busy to do anything about
it - after I noticed that disabling the InternalMalloc of XFree cured the
problem.  Now that I installed the XFree binaries that came with 1.3, I
have the same problem again.

Well, I'll try to do what you people advice.  If someone gives me a test
program which uses the XFree malloc, I can run it and tell you what

> OTOH, the UVM code is about to make it into NetBSD.  Maybe the best
> thing is to ask Chuck Cranor or Matthew Green very nicely if they can
> test and profile ApplixWare on the new VM code?

Applix is a commercial product.. if someone is willing to buy it.. :)
It's now a bad product.  I'd be happy with it if the screen updates
didn't take 20-30 seconds... ;)
