Subject: Re: ftp: 504 Reply marker must be 0.
To: Berndt Josef Wulf <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/29/1997 07:30:43
> After seeing the discussion in this mailing list I am attempting to
> download the demo version of Wordperfect for linux and got
> disconnected after 3.5MB :(

> Trying to reget I am getting the following error message from the
> remote server:

> ftp> reget linuxgui1.tar.gz
> local: linuxgui1.tar.gz remote: linuxgui1.tar.gz
> 200 PORT command successful.
> 504 Reply marker must be 0.

> I've never seen this before!!!  What exactly does it mean?

It probably means that the server in question holds strictly to
RFC959's definition of REST, rather than the more relaxed modern way.
959 says that REST works only for block and compressed modes, which are
almost never used.  (Relatively) recently, people have been using it
for stream mode as well, by making the restart marker a simple byte
count in the data stream.

					der Mouse

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