Subject: Re: disk partitioning
To: Herb Peyerl <>
From: Darren Reed <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/07/1996 00:39:01
In some mail I received from Herb Peyerl, sie wrote
> Yeah. I think having multiple MSDOS partitions containing BSD partitions is
> just "wrong"... "Like, get out the duct tape sally! We're gonna fix this 
> problem fer good now!" is a pretty nasty solution for this problem, but I don't see that
as a reason for not making it possible.

> The right place to fix this is architecurally... Not by slapping on another
> layer of tape.

Maybe.  But I don't see any reason why NetBSD shouldn't be able to mount
BSD partitions within different DOS partitions.

> Come to think of it, what happens when you mount "/dev/wd0a" and
> "/dev/wd0s0a"?
> What happens when you boot off "wd0s2a"? does it become "/dev/wd0a"? 

Well, looking at my mount points (again):
/dev/wd0a           30206    24414     3376    88%    /
/dev/wd0s3a         76239    16131    54009    23%    /opt
/dev/wd0s2e        265310   249630    -5544   102%    /usr
/dev/wd0s3g         98479    33211    57390    37%    /usr/local
/dev/wd0s3e         39950    13820    22934    38%    /var
/dev/wd2s4a         31279    11233    18483    38%    /netbsd
/dev/wd2s4e        248335   107127   128792    45%    /netbsd/usr
/dev/wd0s3f         39950      204    36550     1%    /netbsd/var
/dev/wd0s3h         98479       23    90578     0%    /netbsd/usr/local
/dev/wd0s1         101560    86070    15490    85%    /dos/c
/dev/wd2s1         205380   175704    29676    86%    /dos/d

(wd0 has 3 DOS partitions, first is DOS, next two are BSD)

wd0a == wd0s2a (/, swap & /usr are all in the same BSD partition)

I don't think it is possible to boot off (in my case) wd0s3a, but it might
be possible (haven't tried) and yes, in this case, it would be wd0a and you
would see wd02sa separately.  After all, it's just dependant on a certain
special file in /dev.

Also be nice if NetBSD/FreeBSD BSD partitions mixed perfectly, but I guess
we can't have everything...sigh
