Subject: Re: Multiple monitors and At/lantic ethernet card
To: None <>
From: VaX#n8 <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/25/1996 19:30:54
In message <>, Matthieu Herrb writes:
>You wrote (in your message from Fri 17)
> >  Does NetBSD support running with multiple video cards/monitors and can I 
> > generally even have multiple video cards in one pc ?

>* You need hardware that supports it. Standard VGA cards all use the
>  same I/O addresses, that's the main problem.
>* X-inside has a commercial server that support multiple VGA boards if
>  they can be configured to not conflict. See
>  Other commercial X server may support this too but I don't have infos.

I'm a bit disappointed my new #9/S3-968 card won't configure for another
memory and I/O area.  I hear matrox boards can, but you're stuck with
X-inside if you use those, and their VGA code is slow (if you care about
running MS-DOOM).

I'd be interested in hearing if any other boards can.