Subject: Re: Linux binaries compiled with libc-5.2.16
To: Randy Terbush <>
From: Koji Imada - je4owb/2 <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/25/1995 15:23:04
>>>>> "Randy" == Randy Terbush <> writes:

 Randy> I'm including below a patch that Frank van der Linden posted
 Randy> to this list a week or so ago. This is required to get the Linux
 Randy> Java JDK running. (at this time)

Thanks, though I already have it. :-) Can this patch run Linux ELF
binary with I failed. 1.7.9 or 1.7.11 can? I can't 
find ld-linux.1.7.9 nor 1.7.11 but I need another
hack to use

 Randy> You will also need the latest patches that Frank made to the Linux
 Randy> compat code to implement writev() system call.

This is what i want. Please send me that patch if you can.
That's nice Christmas present for me B-)

 Randy> Wouldn't it be nice to have a native Java.....

I agree. I am looking forward. But don't want to read sources which
have such license. sigh.
Koji Imada - je4owb/2