Subject: Re: SCSI troubles with ASUS P/I-P55TP4XE and PCI-SC200...
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Charles Hannum <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/22/1995 21:49:18
In article <> (Perry E. Metzger) writes:

   The newest driver, though, works just fine with all the Quantum drives
   I use. I think that Ted was accidently using a slightly old version of
   the driver.

No; it works on your particular machine with your particular disk.  As
I mentioned before that version was committed, this problem is clearly
timing-related, and one person's fix is quite likely another person's
bug.  The only way to win is to actually debug it.

That said, I propose a solution to this problem...

It so happens that I'm currently putting together a development
machine for myself, and I need a bigger disk anyway.  If someone were
to donate one of the offending disks (e.g. a 4GB Grand Prix would be
nice B-)), I'll use it for debugging the driver and doing regression
testing in the future.  (Please reply to me privately if you want to
do this.)