Subject: Re: Compiling gcc 2.7.X on NetBSD 1.1
To: None <>
From: Niklas Hallqvist <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/04/1995 20:46:17
>>>>> "Gary" == Gary Henderson <> writes:

Gary> Hi, I've been using gcc 2.7.0 for several months, originally
Gary> compiled on the May 15th snapshot of i386 NetBSD. I've just
Gary> updated to 1.1 and tried to compile gcc 2.7.2 - the compile
Gary> fails when compiling stage2 enquire.c with an xgcc internal
Gary> error. It tried compiling 2.7.1 - same result.

Gary> Now the big problem - gcc 2.7.0's compile fails in the same
Gary> way. Is the compiler the 1.1 knackered ?

Did you do a standard make bootstrap or did you supply other than
standard options to the build?  I've done this many times with rather
recent compilers, haven't ever seen this problem.  Some other guy
reported something along the lines you see some weeks ago, but he came
back blushing and said when he redid everything from scratch it
worked...  Strange you're seeing the same failure though...

If you do anything other than "make bootstrap" to build GCC, please
say so... Otherwise I need to try to setup a system closely matching
yours to see if I can find the problem (or if you'll give me a login,
if the machine's on the net).


Niklas Hallqvist       Phone: +46-(0)31-40 75 00  Home: +46-(0)31-41 93 95
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