Subject: Re: More XF86 questions
To: Michael L. VanLoon -- <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/09/1995 00:42:11
"Michael L. VanLoon --" <> writes:
> >2) I have to use the 65MHz 1024x768 mode instead of the 75MHz version
> >because the 75MHz version suffers from a "heatwave" effect (lines
> >ripple as they go down the screen).  My monitor (a Nanao F550iW) has a
> >80MHz bandwidth, so it should be able to cope, and 75MHz is one of the
> >clocks supported by my ATI Graphics Ultra Pro (Mach32) card.  I copied
> >the relevant Modeline from Mark Weaver's F550i monitor config, and it
> >matches the numbers given in my F550iW's manual.  My guess is some
> >problem with the horizontal sync; what else could it be?
> Your cable?

The cable is definitely a possibility, but damage to your video
card is also a possibility.  Do you see any white dots moving up
and down along the right edge of the screen?

Email:           | Brown University
PGP Key: finger       | Dept of Computer Science