Subject: Re: Generic audio driver for NetBSD/i386
To: John Brezak <>
From: Ken Hornstein <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/14/1994 14:24:01
>This is an update of the Generic audio driver that was posted by Havard Eidnes
>a while ago. Since then a few of us have hacked at the interface a bit. I've
>coded a few sample drivers for the Cardinal DSP-16 (PSS) and generic Windows
>Sound System. I also fixed a few problems in the sb.c driver. This update
>is intended for those who want a look at what is going on. It is hoped that
>we will get more soundcard drivers in the near future - expecially the

John, this looks great.  

>Here are some open issues and things to think about (and discuss)
>- -----------------------------------------------------------------
>- - What about MIDI (Mike Long sent me a quick and dirty little driver
>  that I might try out on the Cardinal) ?

I think there was some discussion about this before; I remember some agreement
that access to the MIDI UART could be made general, but playing MIDI files
was still an open issue.

>- - Can this framework be general enough for the Sparc ? Others ports with
>  sound suport ?

I can't see any inherent reasons why other ports couldn't use the bsd_audio

>- - More drivers needed - GUS

Ok, I am going to make a very strong effort to get the GUS stuff I have working;
I'll try to send something out in a few weeks.

>	- Driver currently only works with ad1848 SoundPort device.
>	- Tested on Cardinal DSP-16; should work on other PSS achitecture
>	  boards.
>	- Hope to add MIDI support soon.
>	- Hope to be adding custom DSP algorithm to support full-duplex audio
>	  for MBONE applications.
>	- enable CD interface passthru
>	- Game port driver
>	- Suggestions solicited on the slave driver approach. See conf/SUSSEX

It might be worthwhile to make a separate game port driver; I know the GUS has
one as well.  I was under the impression that the hardware interface was the
same, as they all have to be accessed the same way under DOS.

I am a little confused by the slave driver stuff you did ... what exactly do
the sp and mpu devices do?
