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Re: Netboot a NetBSD kernel then use a local filesystem?

I wrote:
> Mouse <mouse%Rodents-Montreal.ORG@localhost> writes:
>> The way it used to be done is that you'd build a kernel with, for
>> example,
>> config netbsd root on sd2a type ?
>> instead of the usual
>> config netbsd root on ? type ?

> so it looks like your memory is perfect.  I'll try this
> tomorrow - thanks for the tip!

For the archives' sake --- this recipe does in fact still work,
but HPPA throws in an additional curveball: if you want to
netboot then you have to wrap the modified kernel into a
"SYSNBSD" LIF wrapper.  I see how to generate a custom kernel
with a modified config file, but the Makefiles don't seem at
all supportive of making SYSNBSD from anything except the
GENERIC kernel.  That config name is hard-coded into
distrib/hppa/sysnbsd/Makefile (and surprisingly, changing it
there breaks "./build.sh release"; didn't identify why yet.)

As a hack-n-slash solution, I eventually managed to do the
appropriate mkboot call manually, and the result worked.
But I think the only thing I'd care to do on an ongoing basis
is to hack up the GENERIC config file.  Which sucks from a
documentation standpoint.

Anyway, thanks again for your help!

			regards, tom lane

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