Subject: Re: booting netbsd
To: None <>
From: Enno Lenze <>
List: port-hpcsh
Date: 02/28/2001 17:41:13
Am Mit, 28 Feb 2001 schrieb ITOU Makoto:

Hello itou, thanks for your help!

> Did you select the "Serial console" button in "option" screen of hpcboot?
> If you selected, all output messages were turned  *to* the serial-port.

how can i see the messages? I tried tail -f /dev/ttyS0 but i didnt
> If you don't have the cable , boot without selecting the "Serial console".
>  Tap the "boot" button , wait a minute (few minutes?).
>  You can see the messages on Jornada's LCD.

i saw the boot messages, at the end i got the black screen

> BUT,I think that keymap was NOT included the distributed files precompiled.

how can i get it? (german keymap)

> If you can use serial console, input via the serial, and "reboot" command,too.
> On stand-alone boot, I can choose only pushing the hardware reset-switch.

is it possible (at the moment) to replace wince by netbsd?

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